
Q. What is the mystery behind the situation that Jesus said, “They are wrong about what is right, because I am going to the Lord and you will not see me any more”. (John, 16:10) before the incident of his crucifixion___ and Disciples say that they met Jesus on the hill of Galilee after his crucifixion?

A. People are always wrong when they oppose a Prophet of God. Jesus, in clear cut words, told his people that:

“Then, if any one says to you, “Look” here is the Messiah! Or “There he is!”___ don’t believe him. For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear; they will perform great miracles and wonders in order to deceive even God’s chosen people. If possible, listen! I have you this before the time comes”.

“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in the desert!” ___ Don’t go there or if they say, “Look, he is hiding here!”____ don’t believe it”.
(Matthew 24:23 to 26)

After the incident of crucifixion, Disciples of Jesus could not remember this warning. Now lets examine, how the Disciples of Jesus were deceived by the Satan.

Word “ANYONE” in this saying does not spare even an angel and it clearly means men, women, angels, prophets and Messiah himself. And the wording tells us that whosoever will give such a news that “Look, here is Messiah!” Or “there he is!” will be held as a liar and If someone will appear as Messiah and will say such a thing, he will be called as false Messiah.

Jesus was right to say, “You will not see me any more” because Luke tells us that Jesus, instead of dying on the cross, went to heaven.

“Jesus said to him, “I promise you that TODAY you will be in PARADISE with ME”.
(Luke 23:43)

Strange is the fact that Ascension of Jesus was taken as a death of Jesus by his nation. Anyhow, Jesus was no more in this world and he was right to warn his Disciples so that no one may deceive them after him. This is the reason why he used the word “anyone” in his warning. But the Disciples of Jesus put the warning of Jesus aside and got themselves, involved in the drama of Satan after Jesus.

To understand that what exactly happened after Jesus, firstly ponder over the words of the warning of Jesus as he said:

“Then, if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Messiah! Or there he is!”____ don’t believe him”.
(Matthew 24:23)

And, secondly not only ponder over the following words but also try to understand that how Satan, in the guise of an angel, commanded the women to go against the warning of Jesus:


“Go, quickly, now and tell his Disciples, “He has been raised from death and now he is going to Galilee ahead of you; THERE you will see him”.
(Matthew 28:7)

Women reached the Disciples in hurry and gave this message to them and told them that they, not only saw the angel, but also saw the great wonders. Disciples doubted but could not resist believing them. The women and Disciples, the both, forgot the warning of Jesus.


Firstly ponder over the words of the warning of Jesus as he said:

“For false Messiahs and false prophets will APPEAR; they will perform great MIRACLES and WONDERS in order to deceive even God’s chosen people”.

And, secondly keeping in view the word “APPEAR” of the warning ponder over the following words:

“While the two were telling them this, suddenly the Lord himself (appeared and) stood among them and said to them “peace be with you.” They were TERRIFIED, thinking that they were seeing a GHOST”.
(Luke, 24 : 36, 37)

Jesus used the word “appear” which was very proper because the FALSE MESSIAH suddenly stood (appeared) among them.

As Jesus said, “They will perform great miracles and wonders in order to deceive”. It happened in the same terms.


“But he said to them, “why are you alarmed? Why are these doubts coming up in your minds? LOOK at my hands and my feet and see that it is I myself. Feel me and you will know, for a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” He said this and showed them his hands and his feet. They still could not BELIEVE.

They were so full of JOY & WONDER; so he asked them, “Have you anything here to eat”? They gave him a piece of cooked fish, which he took and ate in their presence”.

(Luke 24:38 to 43)

There can never be a great wonder than this that a Ghost appeared and became a human being, showed flesh and bones and ate fish. Please note the words of “Joy and Wonder” in these sentences and the words of the saying of Jesus as he said:

“For false Messiahs and false prophets will APPEAR; they will perform great miracles and WONDERS in order to deceive even God’s chosen people, (don’t believe him) if possible. Listen! I have told you this before the time comes”.

Within brackets, the words “Don’t believe him” are the words of the saying of Jesus and by the word “Him” Jesus meant Satan.

Jesus said:

“Then, if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Messiah!” or “There he is!”___ don’t believe him”.

Now let us analyze this saying.

“Look, here is the Messiah!”

Satan said the same thing but in terms of the first person singular:

“Look at my hands and my feet and see that it is I myself”.

Jesus said, “Do not believe him” but the Disciples, not only joyfully, but also wonderfully, believed him. This very acceptance of Satan as Jesus, was the birth of the present Christianity.

Jesus said:

“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in desert (or on a hill)! don’t go there”.
(Matthew 24:26)

Satan in the guise of an angel, told the women “Look, there he is” and women ran to tell the Disciples in hurry, without thinking that what Jesus warned:

“Then if anyone says to you, “Look, there he is!”___ do not believe him”.
(Matthew 24:23)

The women not only believed themselves but also did their best to make the Disciples believe the message of Satan. As a result, the Disciples believed the women and went to the hill in hurry and forgot the warning of Jesus that:

“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in desert (or on a hill)!” don’t go there.
(Matthew 24:26)

Since Disciples of Jesus disobeyed Jesus and went to the hill of Galilee, therefore, Satan succeeded, not only to possess them, but also to deceive them. Disciples not only worshipped the Satan there, but also accepted him as their Lord and the son-god.

“When they saw him, they worshipped him”.
(Matthew 28:17)

Here they also forgot the foremost Commandment that:

“Worship no god but me”.
(Exodus 20:3)

So, it is precisely proved in the light of the warning of Jesus that God had raised Jesus to heaven from the cross and it was Satan who appeared on the hill of Galilee, to deceive the Disciples, in the guise of Jesus.

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